About BNFT

BNFT is a mobile application (iOS and Android) working as full digital solutions for lending companies (micro finance – consumer finance).

We have a great fun fact
which we want to show you!

To be a unique service provider by supporting the economy in maintaining the value of money.

* Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices
To submit a request

why choose us

Download BNFT app from App Store or Google Play
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Check our services
Fill in a request loan form for your preferred service then wait our
feedback within 24 hours

Car financing

Car financing is a process that helps individuals purchase vehicles by providing loans or easy installment plans. The key steps involved in car financing are:

  1. Choosing the Car: The individual selects the car they want to buy.
  2. Applying for Financing: The individual applies for financing from a bank or financing company, providing documents such as identification, income, and credit history.
  3. Application Review: The bank or financing company reviews the application and assesses the individual’s creditworthiness.
  4. Approval: If approved, the loan amount and repayment terms, such as the loan duration and interest rate, are determined.
  5. Down Payment: The individual may be required to make a down payment on the car.
  6. Signing the Agreement: The individual signs the financing agreement and agrees to the repayment terms.
  7. Car Delivery: After completing the necessary procedures, the individual takes possession of the car and starts making monthly payments until the loan is fully repaid.



Cash in advance

  1. cash in advance is a process that helps individuals to get by providing loans (second salary) with easy installment plans. The key steps involved in cash in advance are:
  2. specify the company: The individuals select their company from the registered list.
  3. Applying for Financing: The individual applies for financing from a BNFT, providing documents such as identification, income, and credit history.
  4. Application Review: risk team reviews the application and assesses the individual’s creditworthiness.
  5. Approval: If approved, the loan amount and repayment terms, such as the loan duration and interest rate, are determined.
  6. Signing the Agreement: The individual signs the financing agreement and agrees to the repayment terms.
  7. Transfer the amount : After completing the necessary procedures, the will transfer the amount to customer account within 48 hours . 

Benefits of digital account ?

BNFT is a mobile application (iOS and Android) working as full digital solutions for lending companies (micro finance – consumer finance).

BNFT  is the easiest, fastest and most reliable financing tool to facilitate the purchase of your products and services, offering you flexible payment plans tailored to your needs for a long term

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